Counselling for couples

Most people consider their relationship with their partner the most important relationship and at the same time it can sometimes be the most difficult relationship.

Through couples counselling I hope that you will find a renewed sense of hope. For many couples, the thought of participating in couples counselling is almost as frightening as allowing their marriage to fail. I am well aware of these common misgivings, and strive to alleviate the fears of those who reach out for help.

I build couples therapy around the world renowned Gottman Method, which focuses on the fundamental elements of strengthening a marriage. The Gottman method is a research-based approach to relationship which draws of both the art and science of relationships.

At times we get stuck and it becomes challenging to communicate even about the simplest of things.  Through couples counselling it is my hope to give you a safe space to reopen some of those communication lines and to build new ones. Your willingness to engage in this process means you have a desire to improve things and we will work through whatever you present during your sessions.  You will likely walk away with a renewed clarity and a new hope.

Sounds Relationship House (picture).PNG

Gottman’s Sound Relationship House, is a framework that I utilize in counselling.